Video Postings

Video Postings

We do video postings designs as part of our social media marketing stragegy.

Video Postings are a great way add movement on your Facebook and Istagram pages and it has proven to be more effective than just still images.

We offer diffrent types of video postings.

Postings on Facebook and Instagram

We have offer you monthly video postings on your page.

Once off Template design R300

  • 1 x 30 sec videos with sound R600 per month
  • 2 x 30 sec videos with sound R1000 per month

We use the same intro and template for all the videos, if you however want a new intro and template then you pay another template design.

Please note that our payments are payable upfront for the month

You Tube videos

You Tube videos are maximum 2 min long.

They can be slide animation or fully animated:

  • 30 sec ad R900
  • 60 sec ad R1500
  • Fully animated R2000 max 2 min long

Please note that all our payments are payble upfront.

Sample of Video postings: